Potash Mobilizing Microorganism

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KMB (Potash Mobilizing Microorganism) is biological potash supplement for soil & plant. It is abundant in soil rocks and minerals in in accessible form. It plays major role in plant growth. It is produced by highly equipped recently developed Biotechnology.

Composition: Kmb Formulation Contains 1×107 cfu/ml Frateuria aurentia

Mechanism Of Action

KMB (Potash Mobilizing Microorganism) is biological potash supplement for soil & plant. It is abundant in soil rocks and minerals in in accessible form. It plays major role in plant growth. It is produced by highly equipped recently developed Biotechnology.

Composition: Kmb Formulation Contains 1×107 cfu/ml Frateuria aurentia

Mechanism Of Action

Potash Mobilizing Microorganism mobilizes potash from the elementary or mixture of potassium, which can be easily absorbed by the plants. This plays a vital role in the formation of monoacids and proteins from ammonium ions, which are later absorbed by root from the soil. Plants also uptake other elements i.e. N, P & Ca which activates number of enzymes.

Benefits of Potash Mobilizing Microorganism

  • Mobilizes potash in all types of soil and increases yield of crops up to 15- 20%.
  • Increases resistance of crops in hot & dry condition.
  • Improves quality of fruit & grains.
  • Increases sugar contains and size of fruits.
  • Helps in proper photosynthesis.
  • Being an environment friendly biological fertilizer good alternative for chemical fertilizers.

Mixing And Application

Seed Treatment/Seed Dressing:
Use 10ml of KMB per 100ml of water or mix it with 20gm sugar/jaggery for 1kg of seeds. After that shake it thoroughly till the uniform layer of culture is being coated. Then dry the seeds in shade for 20-25 minutes
Root Dipping:
As per the requirement, mix the bio fertilizer in 5-10 litres of water. Later dip
the roots of seedlings up to half an hour before transplantation
Soil Application:
Add 500ml of liquid fertilizer in 100 litres of water and apply at 1 acre of land through drip irrigation or drench the soil at proper

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