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Ashirwad contains micronutrients ,carbohydrate, Protein, amino acids , cytokinin, and vitamin which leads the growth of the plant. It mainly useful for the fruits and vegetables for increase in their size and numbers. It is also increase the capacity of seed germination of crop. It leads the growth of root and also increase the immunity of the crop. Ashirwad increasing the soil fertility by providing beneficial micro organism to the soil.

Composition:Ashirwad is biofertilizer made from the processed...

Ashirwad contains micronutrients ,carbohydrate, Protein, amino acids , cytokinin, and vitamin which leads the growth of the plant. It mainly useful for the fruits and vegetables for increase in their size and numbers. It is also increase the capacity of seed germination of crop. It leads the growth of root and also increase the immunity of the crop. Ashirwad increasing the soil fertility by providing beneficial micro organism to the soil.

Composition:Ashirwad is biofertilizer made from the processed biogas liquid.

Mechanism Of Action

Ashirwad contains micronutrients ,carbohydrate, Protein, amino acids , cytokinin, and vitamin which leads the growth of the plant. Plant Stick increases the penetration of pesticide, fungicide and herbicide/ weedicide.Ashirwad contains micronutrients ,carbohydrate, Protein, amino acids , cytokinin, and vitamin which leads the growth of the plant. It mainly useful for the fruits and vegetables for increase in their size and numbers.

Benefits of Ashirwad

  • improve the number of roots in the crop.
  • increase the immunity power of the crop.
  • increase the beneficial microorganism in the soil.
  • improve the soil fertility.

Mixing And Application

Seed Treatment/Seed Dressing:
Use 10ml of KMB per 100ml of water or mix it with 20gm sugar/jaggery for 1kg of seeds. After being uniformly wet shake them gently to form uniform layer of culture coating. Then dry the seeds in shade for 20-25 minutes.
Root Dipping:

As per the requirement, mix the bio fertilizer in 5-10 litres of water. Later dip the roots of seedlings up to half an hour before transplantation.
Soil Application:
Add 500ml of liquid fertilizer in 100 litres of water and apply at 1 acre of land through drip irrigation or drench the soil at proper moisture of land.

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