Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria

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PSB contains high concentrations of viable cells which is in dormant stage & proliferates immediately after being applied in field. It is a biological Phosphate supplement for soil & plant. It is produced by highly equipped recently developed Biotechnology.

Composition: PSB Formulation Contains minimum 1×107cfu/ml Bacillus megaterium & Bacillus Polymyxa .

PSB contains high concentrations of viable cells which is in dormant stage & proliferates immediately after being applied in field. It is a biological Phosphate supplement for soil & plant. It is produced by highly equipped recently developed Biotechnology.

Composition: PSB Formulation Contains minimum 1×107cfu/ml Bacillus megaterium & Bacillus Polymyxa .

Mechanism Of Action

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria produces soluble phosphate. Whenever phosphoric fertilizers are applied in soil its large quantity gets fixed as Tri-Calcium Phosphate. As it is water insoluble, it becomes unavailable to crops. Due to PSB soil microorganisms having inherent capacity to dissolve part of this fixed phosphorus, makes it available to the crops. This enables converting insoluble phosphate compound in soluble form by secreting certain organic acids.

Benefits of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria

  • It solubilizes insoluble phosphate for easy uptake by crops.
  • Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil.
  • PSB provides most active form of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria and starts function and proliferation immediately after application in soil.
  • Reduces 25 to 40% of phosphoric fertilizers cost PSB Increases the level of available P2O5 in the soil.
  • It also improves the fertility of soil and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers . It is Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input.
  • Add nutrients to the soil/make them available to the crop secrete certain growth promoting substances.

Mixing And Application

Seed Treatment/Seed Dressing:
Use 10ml of PSB per 100ml of water mix it with 20gm sugar/jaggery for 1kg of seeds. After being uniformly wet shake them gently to form uniform layer of culture coating. Then dry the seeds in shade for 20-25 minutes.
Root Dipping:
As per the requirement, mix the bio fertilizer in 5-10 litres of water. Later dip the roots of seedlings up to half an hour before transplantation.
Soil Application:
Add 500ml of biofertilizer in 100 litres of water and apply at 1 acre of land through drip irrigation or drench the soil at proper moisture of land.

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